Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement

Your physical and mental health is important, and we have a variety of services to best address your individual needs. One of our most effective and popular options is hormone replacement therapy.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is commonly used when a patient has an imbalance or decrease in the production of hormones that are essential to helping the body and brain function at its best. This hormone replacement therapy uses hormones that are biologically identical to those that are naturally produced by the body with little to no risk. Benefits to women include relief of menopause symptoms, better sleep, more comfortable sex, relief of vaginal dryness and/or itching, and can even reduce the risk of dementia, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Benefits to men include relief from symptoms of androgen and reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even death.

Because we are restoring your hormones to the levels they were at when you were younger, these treatments are also known to reverse the signs of aging. Your anti-aging replacement therapy plan can actually help you look as good as you feel!

Whatever your age and whatever your medical needs maybe this season, we want to remind you that we are here for you. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, contact Pain 2 Wellness Healthcare today .

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